Phi Ta Khon Festival

Phi Ta Khon 

Phi Ta Khon is a festival held in Dan Sai district, Loei province, located in the northeast of Thailand, a festival that takes place in the month of July, which usually lasts more than three days, sometimes during March and July. Selected to be held each year by city residents. The merit of this folk tradition is called Boon Luang, divided into Phi Ta Khon festival, the tradition of fireballs. And merit

Phi Ta Khon was originally called a ghost by the people, a festival influenced by the Vesak. Allegory in Buddhism That the Vesak. And her mother. Will leave the forest back to the capital. Wild animals, including ghosts living in the forest. Has come out with a sigh.
The first day will be ghost festival Phi Ta Khon. This is called today's day (Home Day), with a pickup ceremony in the area between the river and the river. On the second day of the festival there will be ceremonial firecrackers. With a variety of costumes. Includes dance competitions as well as parades. On the third and final day, villagers will listen to the sermon. The Phi Ta Khon is also used as a symbol and  team Loei City FC as well.
And tradition is still believed. For people who play or are dressed as a ghost, Khon naked. The costume must be removed to remove all the costume of the ghost and leave the barren river. Do not bring home It leaves misery and bad things. And wait until next year to play again.
 There are many interesting activities, such as the parade of Phi Ta Khon procession, Khon Mask mask contest, Phi Ta Khon Noi contest, Listen to the sermon of 13 chaplains, public-private fairs, local trade shows, merchandising. OTOP, Fireball Tournament Watch the parade will be held on  24 - 26 June 2017



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